There have been so many words written and said about this pandemic already. All we can do is tell of our own personal experiences and hope it is somehow helpful or inspiring to others. I will admit I am trying to avoid the paranoia caused by every dust-induced sneeze or “it went down the wrong pipe” throat-clearing cough, but it is hard. I’ve walked around my flowerbeds looking for any hints of spring at least a dozen times and was delighted to find some fresh new growth hiding underneath brown leaves. I’ve cleaned, sketched, taken a billion pictures trying to capture the best silly dog faces, and tried to learn a ballet routine. I turned 42 a couple days ago and celebrated with a delivered, Lysoled container, Boston Creme Cake from a Weis Store bakery. I do so love those delivery people and try to tip well. They are a large part of how we function these days! I find myself trying to jump to the next thing, whatever that may be, then realizing we are in a holding pattern, and that holding pattern is what is keeping us safe. So for now I will hold this space for being grateful for others, for thinking, for drawing, for reading, for drinking tea, for brisk spring walks, and for sharing with you. Stay well, friends. 🌷💛
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