Hi, All! It's been a long while since I posted here, but I am back with updates! This summer I sent a couple plein air pastel pieces to a really beautiful gallery on Hamilton Boulevard in center city Allentown, PA, called Gallery 840. The exhibit there was called, "Waking Up". It featured artworks resulting from a mix of emotions surrounding the quiet isolation and the anticipation for personal interaction brought on us all by the pandemic. You can imagine the colors! It was a beautiful month-long exhibit and I was honored to be invited to take part. I continued my plein air, or outdoor painting, practice by participating in a workshop hosted by local pastel artist, Dan Curry. I was able to create quite a few pieces representing the summer hues of the Endless Mountains of Pennsylvania in Sullivan, Lycoming, and Bradford Counties during this time. I learned a lot about different pastel art substrates and techniques. Did you know painting pastel on a velvety textured canvas is a thing? Or that a very popular substrate is sanded paper? Or that there are wet painting techniques for pastels? It definitely expanded my knowledge of the pastel medium! I also expanded my artist network tenfold and met so many other artists, virtually and in person. My Instagram account, stacy_kelley_fine_art is still the best place for me to connect with other artists and for you to find me to stay up to date on all things art. Please take a look at this flyer I designed for my summer pastel workshop's public art reception that is coming up on October 23rd, 1- 4 pm at the Red Barn at Keystone Mountain Park Trust, (just three miles south of Eagles Mere, PA on Route 42, veer right onto Edkin Hill Road and see the "Keystone Mountain Park Trust" sign). See you there!
